Dennis Doyle
Ext 715
There are times when all of us need to have safe people to talk to about the realities of life and hopefully faith. I believe that the redemptive love of God will always move us towards hope, regardless of what our circumstances may be. So by nature I tend to be tenacious, and I think God is too.
I recently turned 55 years old, so I’ve had time to accumulate my own life experiences. I’m seasoned. I think I can offer practical and biblical insight that you might find beneficial. Here are some examples:
My wife Karen and I have raised 4 children, so while I may not be an expert on helping you parent your child, I can share some wisdom about parenting. We’ve seen our children excel and become independent.
Karen and I have been married 32 years. I think much of an enduring marriage is the determination to make it work one day at a time and live in grace with each other. If you are looking for someone to talk about how to relate to your spouse, I think I have some wisdom to offer.
Relating to Senior Adult Parents:
Karen and I have seen our parents pass away. Life is unmistakably different when you say good-bye to your parents. We did the best we knew how to honor them.
Following the Leadership of Others:
Few people get to call their own shots in life. I’ve worked with a variety of leaders. Some have been fantastic, others could have been better. What’s tough is when someone in authority makes a decision that impacts your life, and it has dramatic consequences. Have you learned that institutions are rarely loyal to people?
I can provide some perspective on serving in the ministry without losing your soul. After 29 years, I have experienced the extremes of the great and the horrible. Much of ministry is simply being faithful in the day-to-day experiences.
I think that Jesus wants to use us; perhaps the more pressing issue is how you and I can be useful?
Military Life:
While I have never been in the military, most of my friends are people who have served in the Air Force at Whiteman Air Force Base. I have watched and admired them as they sacrificed for our country, but it’s not easy.
Living A Virtuous Life:
We all find ourselves in situations that require making difficult decisions. It’s one thing to make a pragmatic decision, but often the best decisions require more courage and sacrifice. I would enjoy helping you to strive for virtue!
To me “miscellaneous” means, “whatever you want to talk about.” I will do my best to walk through your situation with dignity, non-judgment, and wisdom.
I grew up in Austin, Texas as the son of a high ranking police officer who had no use for faith and a mom who was a devoted Baptist. I came to faith in Jesus at age 10 and have served as a pastor since 1986. I served for 15 years as a Collegiate Minister working with students at the University of Central Missouri. That was a great experience! In 2001, I made a transition in life and began serving as the Pastor of Adult Ministries at First Baptist Church in Warrensburg, MO. FBC is a larger church in a smaller town. I am still serving at FBC, but I’m beginning to make some transitions in life, which include joining Epic Counseling and working on my master’s degree in counseling.
My wife Karen is on the faculty at Cleveland University in Overland Park, KS. Our oldest son Nathan is a writer. He and his wife Lindsey are expecting our first grandchild in October. Our oldest daughter Landry lives in Los Angeles with our son-in-law Adam. Landry is a researcher for a financial security firm. Katelyn, our youngest daughter, recently graduated and has her first full time job in public relations in Kansas City. Austin, our youngest son, is a student at UCM and enjoys serving at a local church for students.
The University of Texas - B.A. in Business Management
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary- Masters of Divinity
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary- Currently enrolled